Los Generadores de Cloro Salino (SCGs) hacen un trabajo estupendo al hacer cloro para el dueño de la piscina. Producen todo el cloro que necesita en sitio, sin tener que almacenarlo. Le permiten ajustar la cantidad de cloro que recibe…
With the threat of a hurricane upon us, we have received many questions from customers who are inquiring about protecting their salt chlorine pool. Our systems do not require specific preparation for such weather systems. However, there are certain steps…
How Do I Prepare My Salt Chlorine Swimming Pool for a Hurricane?
Salt Chlorine Generators (SCGs) do a terrific job of making chlorine for the pool owner. They produce all the chlorine you need on-site, without having to store it. They allow you to adjust the amount of chlorine your pool receives.…
Understanding Salt Chlorine Generators
Como fabricantes de generadores de cloro salino, escuchamos muchas situaciones que son atribuidas a los generadores de cloro salino (SCGs). Cada vez que un problema de la piscina sale a la luz que un técnico de servicio de piscinas no…
Puede Mi Generador de Cloro Salino Dañar el Sistema de mi Piscina
Summer swimming season is in full swing and it sure is hot outside! With that being said, you may be wondering how to lower the cost to effectively run and chlorinate your swimming pool during these hot months. Here are…
What is The Most Cost Effective Way to Run My Swimming Pool During The Summer Months?
Aunque la mayoría de los Generadores de Cloro Salino (SCG) Pool Pilot están instalados en piscinas residenciales, hay muchas razones para que las instalaciones acuáticas comerciales consideren al Pool Pilot. Los mismos beneficios que Pool Pilot proporciona a las piscinas…
¿Son Buenos los Generadores de Cloro Salino para las Piscinas Comerciales?
As a manufacturer of salt chlorine generators, we hear of many situations that are blamed on salt chlorine generators (SCGs). Whenever a pool problem surfaces that a pool service tech cannot resolve, the first assumption is usually that the problem…
Can My Salt Chlorine Generator Damage My Swimming Pool System?
Although most Pool Pilot Salt Chlorine Generators (SCG) are installed on residential pools, there are many reasons for commercial aquatic facilities to consider the Pool Pilot. The same benefits that Pool Pilot provides to residential pools, such as convenience and…
Are Salt Chlorine Generators Good for Commercial Pools?
Si es como muchos dueños de piscinas, ha aprendido de forma maravillosa que los generadores de cloro salino (SCGs por sus siglas en inglés) están para mantener al agua de su piscina radiante de limpia por todo el verano. Pero,…
¿Los Generadores de Cloro Salino Funcionan Bien en el Invierno?
If you are like many pool owners, you have learned how wonderfully effective salt chlorine generators (SCGs) are at keeping your pool water sparking clean all summer long. But what about after summer has passed—will your salt chlorine generator work…