With the summer months approaching us and people getting ready to open their pools for the season, we thought it would be appropriate to write an article about how to open your swimming pool for the summer season when utilizing…
Just like any other piece of equipment for your swimming pool, you want to make sure to perform maintenance on your salt chlorine generator as it is crucial to optimize the life and performance of your unit. This is also…
What are the Maintainance Tips for a Swimming Pool Salt Chlorine Generator?
When making a decision on how to sanitize your swimming pool, you want to research all available options available to you. Liquid Chlorine (or Sodium Hypochlorite) is one of the most common forms of chlorine used to treat the water…
What is The Best Alternative to Liquid Chlorine For a Swimming Pool?
Recent technological advances have allowed for much growth in the swimming pool industry, especially with regard to water chemistry. Homeowners now have many options to consider when deciding how to sanitize their swimming pools. In this article, we take a…
How Does Ozone Work to Sanitize My Swimming Pool?
One question first-time swimming pool owners often ask is: how much chlorine does my swimming pool need? To determine the amount of chlorine your swimming pool requires, you need to consider more than just swimming pool size alone. Swimming pools…
How Much Chlorine Does My Swimming Pool Require?
If you choose to utilize a salt chlorine generator for your swimming pool (and we at AutoPilot hope that you do!), one important chemical concentration to maintain is that of salt. If you do not maintain the minimum salt concentration…
How Can I Measure the Salt Level in My Swimming Pool?
Given the current state of the economy, it is not surprising that more and more AutoPilot customers have come to us with questions about lowering their swimming pool chlorination costs. So, to answer these questions and to address the subject…
Four Ways to Lower Your Swimming Pool Chlorination Costs
Electrolysis is the process of breaking down a chemical into its components through the application of an electrical current. It is at the heart of salt chlorine generation in swimming pools, and, in this article, we explain why. Electrolysis involves…