1) What is your chlorine level?
- a) If zero, go to next question
- b) If above zero, did you add chlorine manually?
- If yes, wait a week then retest without manually adding chlorine.
- If no, your system is working properly.
2) Is your salt between 3,000-3,500 ppm?
- a) If yes, did you have this independently tested by a pool store?
- If yes, go to next question.
- If no, go to pool store and then calibrate unit accordingly.
- How do I calibrate my AutoPilot® for salt?
- b) If no, go to pool store and add salt accordingly. If variance with system, then calibrate unit.
- How do I calibrate my AutoPilot® for salt?
3) Is stabilizer between 60-80 ppm (With Pool Pilot® Total Control 20-60 ppm)?
What is stabilizer/Cyanuric Acid?
- a) If yes, go to next question.
- b) If no, go to pool store.
- How much stabilizer should I add?
4) What is the pump run time?
- a) If less than 8 hours – How many hours do I need to run my AutoPilot®?
- b) If more than 8 hours, go to next question.
5) What output percentage are you operating at?
- a) If lower than 70%, increase percentage.
- b) If higher than 70%, increase power level.
6) What power level are you operating at?
- a) If on level 3, contact Customer Support
- b) If on level 1 or 2, increase power level in Installer Menu.