Also, warranties can be voided if improper water chemistry is determined to be the reason…

As much as we hate to see summer end, we have to accept the fact that winter is coming. Preparing your swimming pool’s system properly is key to making sure it will not suffer any damage during the winter months and be ready to go once swimming season starts again. Let’s go over how you should winterize your salt chlorine generator for the winter months.
Most warranties do not cover damage caused by freezing conditions. Therefore, making sure that proper winterizing guidelines are followed is imperative to protect yourself and your equipment. Steps for winterizing are usually available in the manuals that come with your unit. Most manufactures have copies of those manuals available on their website.
Proper water drainage
One of the most important steps in winterizing your salt chlorine generator is to drain all water from the manifold assembly this includes the cell and tri-sensor. Some manufacturers encourage the removal of the cell all together. To do this, unscrew the unions at the bottom of the cell and the screen union, this will allow you to store your manifold for the season. To avoid damage, make sure to cap the connections on the check valve to prevent water from going in.
If you have a total control unit, a system with a pool chemistry controller, it is recommended that the pH and ORP sensors also be removed. To do this, fill the included caps with pool water, unscrew the sensors and place them inside the caps, store for the season. The flow switch and flow cell should also be checked for water they can be drained by opening the valve between them.
The power supplies to all of the AutoPilot units are not affected by the cold weather and do not need to be removed during the winter season.
Pool water chemical balancing
Even though we will not be going over water chemistry in this blog, making sure the water in your pool is properly balanced before your pool is closed for the season very important. If you would like to read more about chemical levels in your swimming pool, please click here, it is suggested you start balancing your pool water at least a week before closing your pool.
We hope you find this article helpful. When possible, it is recommended that you hire a pool professional to do the winterizing for your swimming pool. However, if you decide to follow these guidelines and close your pool and have any questions or doubts, please do not hesitate to drop us a note or you can contact us here.
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